10 Reasons Why You Should Use A Free Elementor Template

Free Elementor Template
A Free Elementor Template to use with the Elementor Page Builder
This article is for web designers using the Elementor Drop and Drag Page Builder plugin. Elementor’s web tools are great. With over 700 000 users (link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/), Elementor is definitely offering a winning and most popular web design tool.
For the Elementor Page Builder users getting hold of a free Elementor Template or two is a huge boost. The page builder is already, on its own, an awesome time saver. Add to that free pre-designed templates and a web designer surely must feel himself in design heaven. In case you still need some form of gentle persuasion whether to try a free Elementor template here are 10 compelling reasons why using a free template is such a great idea.
Reason 1: A Free Elementor Template Saves Time
Why would you want to re-create a template every time for the same repeated design elements. To be 100% upfront about this all sites need the same elements on them. Just like every retail store has a cashier and at least one display counter so do all websites need contact forms, menus, headers and footers, general info pages and blogs just to list a few of the many repeated web design elements.
When using a Elementor template that has been pre-made you save the time of having to recreate the same elements every time. A further bonus for Elementor is that you can actually save your page templates and re-use them again at a later stage. In this way the library of predesigned elements grows.
Reason 2: Finished Designs
Have you spent hours working on a template? Have you tweaked it till you think it will convert? So why would you want to redesign this ad nauseam. Especially if you have tested the page and know the design works. Your clients love it. Their clients love it. The templates have proven converting design elements.
Do you really want to have to fiddle with the Elementor Page Builder settings every time you recreate the same template. You shouldn’t! And the Elementor team know this after years of feedback from the growing Elementor community. This is the reason why they gave designers the ability to save the the Elementor template to be reused.
Reason 3: It’s Easy To Reuse The Free Elementor Template
Yes. you can reuse them. This does not mean they all need to look the same. All it means is that they are saved in your library waiting for your next project. When you need to build yet another footer you can import the footer element/template into the template.
Open the settings and adjust the design to match the new client’s look and feel. It takes a few simple clicks and the content details are updated. This would include such info items as phone numbers and addresses. The google map is updated and in the advanced settings you change the font and colours to match the new client’s brand. Use Conditions to make these changes site wide, if required, at a click of a button.
Reason 4: Be Nice And Share
Sharing is caring. You went to web design school and are still friends with your fellow students? Or you work in a big development company and have lots of colleagues. Then this is perfect for you. When your friend or colleague mentions that they love a design element and tells you that they have a project where this would fit in perfectly then share.
Download the Elementor template and share it. Do remember the more you share with your fellow web designers the more they will be inclined to send back to you. Open up the gates of abundance! That way everybody benefits from a growing resource of a free template. It certainly will assist with workflow, make you more productive, allow you to take on more client work and give you a lot of free time to enjoy other activities.
Reason 5: There Is Always A Backup
Computers are hacked. There are irritating power failures in parts of the world – even in some parts that one would imagine have dependable services. Storms disrupt internet services especially in areas where cables are still above ground, the heating breaks down and so on. The list of horrors is endless.
It’s quite strange the amount of drama we have to face nowadays when using technology. Not really expected when one considers the developed world. Not that one should complain. Living without the internet would be too awful to contemplate. With the Elementor templates one can download them onto hard drives and save them in case of the one day when technology fails you. Have we not all experienced major fails. Back-ups whether onto one’s own harddrive, Google drive or cloud service will eliminate any major headaches.
Reason 6: See How Designers Have Created Them
Have you ever looked at a design and wondered how they actually did that? Have you spent hours in Chrome Inspect trying to figure out what styles or CSS they are using?
If you download a premade Elementor template you get to see how they made it. Most designers have always been interested in seeing how others have created effects and styles. It’s easy to learn from other designers’ work. The team at Elementor Templates also takes the time to review others’ work and to learn from them.
Reason 7: Tons Available On The Internet
So you have hounded all your designer friends and colleagues and already have a growing Elementor library but you think it’s not enough? Now what? The great news is there are tons more available for free on the web.
Sign up to the Elementor newsletter. This should be your first step as they are always giving news and tips as well as a free Elementor template. Then do a Google search for Free Elementor templates and, you will be surprised how generous the growing Elementor community is. Join the Elementor Facebook group. That’s a great place to get a free Elementor template. And sign up to sites that send out newsletters promoting their freebies. We have!
Reason 8: So Easy To Import
Elementor Library gives their Elementor Page Builder access to over 100 designer-made page templates for WordPress. This includes dozens of beautiful free WordPress templates. Want to know where to find their pre-designed templates? Easy to do. Click on Add Template that appears on the content area of Elementor. Browse through the items and once you have decided click insert and there you have. Easy.
Once you finish creating a page with Elementor, there is no reason why you can’t reuse the same page as a start off point for your other website projects. Of course you will need to customize, update and refresh the template, change content and colours as well as other items such as images to make it fit the other website design and also make it unique and different.
Reason 9: Flexibility
Incredible flexibility. Once you have imported your free Elementor template you can work around it however you like. Drag and drop rows. Delete unnecessary or unwanted elements. If you change your mind then go to the history option and bring it back. Elementor Builder also has a ctrl z option which means you can undo a change you might want to make directly from your keyboard. Need to add a new element to your template. No problem. Just click and add and style.
Reason 10: Sell Your Own Elementor Template Designs
Here’s a good idea. Once you have established your own Elementor template library you can sell them. There are sites you can post your templates on that will sell them for you. Or install a Woocommerce shop on your site.
Elementor and Woocommerce are very compatible. Your website might already be getting you leads for new work and you use it to show off your portfolio of great designs – why not let it make you some extra money from all your hard work.
Remake the Elementor Template into different styles. Take one layout and remake into many versions to sell. Not all styles appeal to everyone. Make once and sell many times over is a great business strategy and could end up being s lucrative little side hustle for you.
A Free Elementor Template is A Total Win Win
That’s just 10 reasons why it’s so awesome to use, reuse and save a Free Elementor template. You are bound to think of a few more once you start using them. Enjoy.