Free Insurance Elementor Builder Template



An Insurance Homepage – Free Elementor Template

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This Free Elementor Template is designed for an Insurance Broker

This visually awesome homepage design for an Insurance Broker or Consultant is free to use for anybody working with the Elementor drop and drag Page Builder or Elementor Theme Builder. The Elementor Template also works well for other professional businesses such as accountants, lawyers or business consultants. The Elementor Template has the following elements and blocks. Great Elements to this Free Elementor Template. The page has:

  • Header with large image and Call to Action
  • Block for copy to tell visitors what the website is about and promotional video
  • Block for customer testimonial
  • Widgets for the Blurbs showing images for services and allowing for links to inner pages – can be replaced with icons of course
  • Block with specific processes with possible links to inner pages
  • Block with mission statements

How to use it: Watch our brief video for guidance on how to use this product. Want to get more Freebies? Sign up to free membership now and don’t miss out on any new ones.

Customising The Insurance Elementor Template

You will see that this homepage has been designed to grab attention and encourage action. Use images or words in the widgets to entice visitors to click through to inner pages to read further on services and deals being offered. Use good images, drop in a portfolio or sales focused video and use own content. Good quality images are vital for any website even for insurance brokers. Images tell stories at a glance. Words take time to read. Make it easier for your users to immediately understand the offer and lead them to take action. Besides the images it’s easy to make this Elementor Template more specific to your own website or the site of a client. For all templates made by Elementor Den just replace the copy, use a different typeface, upload your images or video loops and select the colours that tie in with the logo. This free premade template page will help you to make your web design work more easily and definitely more quickly. You might consider that this great Elementor Template could only ever be appropriate for a Insurance’s site. That is not necessarily the case. This particular layout could also work for a business that depends on the skills and knowledge of its team for its credibility. It’s easy to allow the content of a page to dictate how you are going to use it. That’s not necessarily the optimum way to approach any template. Try this. Delete all content from the template so that you are left with just the basic wireframe. Then change the colour into something totally different. As your next step drop in your website content for your own site or that of a client’s and you will see how quickly the whole page changes. For instance replace the green colour in the blocks with your own choice of colour and you will immediately see the difference. Replace images with other consulting service related images to create a layout serving that business. Immediately the entire feeling will change. All of Elementor Den’s free Elementor Templates are responsive.

A Library of Free Elementor Templates

Elementor Templates can be saved and reused at a later stage. Once you have adapted this template to your required service or product you can save it and store it for re-use at a later stage. It’s an easy way to create your own library of free Elementor Templates. Download your free Elementor Den selections, five available at this moment in time with many more to come, and pick up new ones as they are published. Make sure you check our weekly emails so as not to miss them as they come off the conveyor belt – so to speak. Our emails will also let you know about special discount coupons for premium products when they become available. These special discounts are only available if you are a free member.

What is an Elementor Template

The Elementor Template is a page layout made using the Elementor Page Builder which is a drag and drop plugin. A page layout, or template, is the positioning of elements on a page. The elements on a page depend on what message needs to be shown on the page. Blocks can consist of headers and footers, person modules with images, showreels and other videos, copy, images and graphics and icons to mention just a few of the many possibilities. Elementor WordPress templates which are used by Elementor Page Builder users are specific template files that can be applied to a specific page or groups of pages. Page templates are used to change the look and feel of a page. A page template can also be applied to a section or a class of pages. For more info. Sign up to free membership now and don’t miss out on any new Freebies. NB: You will need the free Elementor Page Builder for this layout. Get it here.

Regular License

License Details:

  • You can
    - Download & use free templates on unlimited web design projects as a freelancer, company or privately
    - Modify, edit or update free templates and sell it on to any client as part of a web design project
  • You cannot 
    - Sell free templates in a store OR give it away free
    - Sell OR give away to other web designers OR compete against us using our templates